We organize the annual Disability and Mad Pride in Bonn demonstration. We do much more though. Here comes our plan for the first couple of months of 2024…
Establishment of an association
We’re setting up an association. Finally. We’re so tired of trying to somehow scrape together the money. Currently, we are writing the statue.
January 20th: „Wir fahren zusammen.“ (We ride together)
The “We ride together” campaign is run by bus and train employees, the ver.di union and Fridays for Future Bonn. On January 20th, we joined them and talked about accessibility on buses and trains. This is just one example of our coalition work in Bonn.
March 3rd panel discussion
The AStA Department for FLINTA* and Gender Equality is hosting a panel discussion on intersectional perspectives on the 8th of March. We are going to provide some disabled, Mad and neurodivergent as well as queer and poor perspectives. Other panelists are Black and brown / People of Colour.
AStA stands for: General Student Committee. This is a university parliament. Students can be elected there. They make decisions for the universities.
FLINTA* stands for: women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. We explain this in more detail in the dictionary.
Panel discussion is an event in which several experts talk to each other. People who listen to them can also say something and ask questions.
The 8th of March is often called: International Women’s Day. But we fight intersectionally. For us, March 8th is about the rights of women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. We should focus in particular on those who experience other forms of discrimination. In German, we call this day the “day of queer-feminist struggles”. A more accurate translation may be the “day for queer-feminist liberation”.
April 22nd to May 5th: series of events on ableism by the AStA Bonn
The AStA Bonn organises two weeks on ableism and disability.
There are gonna be many workshops by different Disabled, Mad, chronically ill and neurodivergent people. These workshops are for everyone, whether students or not, whether already familiar with the concept of ableism or not.
There will be one meeting for Disabled students of the University of Bonn.
July 6th: Disability and Mad Pride Bonn
Our demo will even take place in July this year. July is Disability Pride Month. More information will follow soon, stay tuned.
Accessibility tour
We would like to take a tour of Bonn.
We show and explain which barriers we encounter. We also invite politicians and people who work in administration.